May 12 2011

Red Box Review– Winter’s Bone #redbox

Published by at 7:29 am under Movies,Rant,Red Box Reviews

Winter’s Bone (2010– 100 mins)  J. Lawrence, J. Hawkes

As has been the theme over the last couple of weeks, I have again grabbed ANOTHER best picture nominee to watch this past weekend. It seems like a never ending affair but that’s what happens when they nominate TEN movies for the big award. This time we get “Winter’s Bone”. It had 3 of the big nominations, best picture, leading actress (Lawrence), and supporting actor (Hawkes). My thoughts on them after the synopsis and thoughts on the movie as a whole.

“Winter’s Bone” is a drama about a 17 year old girl Ree (Lawrence), who by default has become the Matriarch of her family. Her mother is in a state of near complete catatonia b/c of depression, and her father is currently missing. It’s because of her missing dad that they are in danger of losing their house and land. Her father had put up the house for bond for getting out of jail and is currently no where to be found. Ree thus must locate the useless morsel of a human being so that the courts won’t cease the property for their own. However, this whole movie takes place in the back woods, with mountain folk. Which means not a lot of money, a lot of drug use, and tight circles with local power like their own mob. Drugs are quite the business up there and everyone circles the wagons when anyone goes poking around. When Ree goes poking around people warn her constantly to watch her back and shut up, her dad won’t be back. But, since the house is up for the bond she naturally can’t just let him go. Her only ally in all of this is her uncle,Teardrop (Hawkes).

I will say the movie is decent but not great, and probably mid of the pack of the best picture nominees. Lawrence however, is excellent in her role. She delivers her lines with a gusto and authority of a girl who has had to come to the hard reality of what her life has become. Taking care of a useless mother and having to give her two younger siblings life lessons in things better left for 10 years down the road. Why? Well, b/c it’s a hard life up there and she constantly fears for her own life and that of the elders in her family. She is so good in the role in fact, that I put her in a veritable tie with Natalie Portman for the leading actress Oscar. I keep going back and forth with who deserved it, but ultimately I think that Portman edges out Lawrence even if Portman’s movie was not as good as this one. Hawkes also was very strong as his portrayal of Ree’s uncle Teardrop. He’s an actor who doesn’t often command this type of presence on screen, usually having smaller supporting roles. He takes this one and runs well with it, delivering his strongest performance that I can remember to date. Unfortunately for him, he’s good for only 3rd by my awards in whom I feel was best supporting actor in this years crop (Behind Geoffrey Rush-1 and C. Bale-2). The movie itself as I said is decent. It keeps you entertained and doesn’t over stay it’s welcome and wraps itself up (fairly) nicely. However, I have a zillion plot questions/holes that it has and that just drives me fricking crazy (a small rant on this after the verdict section to keep it safe from those who don’t want spoilers). That’s why I put it mid pack among the best picture noms but will still say you should watch it for a good entertaining movie.

Verdict–> Another good if a slight bit over-hyped movie. Not over-hyped performances, just an over-hyped movie. I would however, put it in a good recommendation category. It’s a heavier drama and none too happy of a story but it is one that will keep you entertained and you will likely enjoy it. Pair it up as the front end of a double feature with a comedy for a good one two punch.


ALERT SPOILERS in this rant.

Ok there are a ton of plot holes and just plain laziness in writing I want to point out. This isn’t minor “WSOD” stuff either, it’s big in your face plot holes. First all we hear about the whole movie is how Ree is bread and butter part of the family. Oh yeah? Well, if you are bread and butter you would know they are all druggies and take their stuff seriously. You would ALSO know that if you poke your head where it’s not supposed to be you are going to stirr the hornets nest and get your ass kicked. Next she would have plain as day tell these people she repeatedly calls kin that if her dad is dead all she needs is his body or part of it to show the cops/courts so she won’t lose her house. She would full well know it’s quite possible that he’s dead either from his own doing or from wronging the drug cartel they have going up there. You can’t portray her as knowing all and naive at the same time, it just doesn’t work. Moving on to Teardrop. Why does everyone fear him so much? Why is he known as such a psycho among the psychos? Do we get the idea he is early only so he can have the whole super hero entrance to save Ree? Not very believable that no one will screw with him, and yet he couldn’t get the final “Yes” that his brother is dead. The relationship between Ree and the sheriff, there was obviously one prior but it’s only hinted at, real poor holes. The story is full of areas that need to be fleshed out and given to the viewer. When you finish watching the movie you have a slight bit of closure but then as you think about it more, a slew of these Q’s and more come up in your mind and it just leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. I expected more, and feel that a lot of the hype for this movie was based on the 2 actors who were good but the script and plot as a whole is poor and hole-y. THAT”S why its mid of the pack of best picture noms. You gotta do better then 3/4 of a story to win it all in my mind.

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