Jun 13 2011

Charity 5K, T-Ball,B-Day party, Baseball game–Just another Geekjock weekend #SusanGKomen #Lifeisbusy

Published by at 9:46 am under asides,General Sports

Mrs. GeekJock woke me up at 5am on Saturday morning, and thus the weekend had begun… We were up early to get to the 7am start time for the Susan G Komen race for the cure 5K. We were running in the open competitive part. No, we don’t pretend to be competitive racers we just had waaayyy too much to do on Sat. to run later. Plus it was nice and cool at 7am, we were done, and home, by 9am, and also of the 26k people who ran all day sat. I bet only 5-6k (at most) ran at the 7am start. Which meant it was a bit crowded at the start, but nothing like the crowds I saw pictures of an heard stories of at the later 845 fun-run start. We were in the mid to back of the pack to start and after waiting about 5-7 mins for the people to file out we were back at the start line roughly 45 mins from when it all began. A friend of ours who ran later said she was at the very front of the starting line for the later run and got back to the finish in roughly 30 mins and there were still a ton of people filing to run and even more of a line to go. So good thing were were done and home by this point, b/c the sun was also beginning to get high by then and the NC air was beginning to heat up! If you would like to donate to the Komen race for the cure fun, click on the link above and follow the donate links.I highly recommend anyone who is thinking of doing something like this to just go ahead run a bit at home and even try out the ipad/ipod/iphone app “couch to 5k” it’s a great program and really ramps you up slowly and won’t over do it for you. Also thes types of run through the community are great events for the community. All through the race there were people outside their houses waving, setting up sprinkler points, drink stations, signs and even a chorus singing songs as people passed by. Just a great time to be had by all, from the strictest most competitive runner to the pure walker the whole way. It’s just good being out there for a good cause! Next year I will be setting up a big team for Geek-Gamers for a cure so stay tuned later in the year for the initial push and info to pledging for and being a part of the team.

A huge hats off the my way to hot/beautiful for me wife for doing a great job in the run. She had started training for this run for 4-5 months and ran into a couple of injury snags along the way but she followed thru and ran the race and finished strong! Great job babe!

So after this race it was home for the splitting of the family to start the day for the kids. The Mrs. Had to take our 7 yo daughter to the 10 am B-Day party of her little boyfriend, who luckily enough lives in our neighborhood and it was at our pool. However, I took my little slugger in training to his T-Ball game. I have been helping a buddy of mine, who’s son is also on the team, coach the kids so it’s been a blast being out on the field with DJ (my son) and also helping the rest of the team learn about getting ready for the ball to come to them and other minor techniques. And for only being a bunch of 4year olds, I have to say (biasedly of course) that our team has come about as far as any other team I have seen and has done a GREAT job this season. After this it was now close to 1130 and boy it was hot and time to hit the pool ourselves, so DJ and I ran home and lathered up some sun screen (I burned a little anyway) got our suits on and headed to the pool!

Besides hanging at the pool with the fam and getting some rest from the already busy day, the other good thing about the b-day party was the little boys father is a real nice guy and coincidentally enough a RIFT player as well. He’s also got a level 50 (my highest is something in the range of 35) so it’s always fun to talk to him and shoot the RIFT bull back and forth about the goings on in Telara! After getting entirely too hot at the pool it was time for the Mrs. to take the kids to a haircut and I was going to come home and mow the lawn. Yet, as chance has it, I didn’t mow but instead collapsed on the couch for a nice long nap, waking up just in time to have a dinner with the Mrs. and get the kids to bed in time for us to watch “Tron:Evolution” and head to bed early b/c Sunday was going to be a doozy as well.

Sunday had the wife and I going in separate directions again, but it was a bit easier onthe kids this time. The mother-in-law was in town so thanks to her for making it possible as well. Mrs. GeekJock had to earn us some cash and was working all day so she was up and at it early, and I was up and at it to pick up a buddy of mine and head to our baseball game over an hour away down near Pinehurst NC. A road game and a hot hot hot day made for another grueling day. The Carolina Redbirds would take one on the chin yesterday falling to the Sand Gnats 8-5, but seeing as we were down 7-1 after 3 innings it was quite a decent comeback. B/c of rain and my work schedule I hadn’t been able to play any games yet this year so I had to shake a little rust off of the old bat. Yet, I managed to claw a 1-3 day with a HBP and a run scored in the losing effort. I was more proud of playing a respectable defensive day, playing the how many positions can I play in one game – game… So I only managed 3 yesterday playing RF/LF/2b. I enjoy the heck out of doing that b/c being versitile and good at all master of none is still a blast in my opinion. We have a great bunch of guys on the team and I just love getting out there and playing hard, win or lose.

The mother in law had a hard enough quest on her own. She had to get DJ to his learn to play (ice hockey) session up at the Ice House. It is now his 3rd time going and he is loving every second of it as well. He may only be 4 but all the skating he has been doing up until this point has really helped him out and he is amazing for a kid his age out there, even skating doing drills with kids 4-5 years older then him doesn’t intimidate him at all. Bad part is proud poppa bear wasn’t able to be there to see it yesterday.

So after I got home and grabbed a shower watched the Mrs. help the kids out with some homework and then get them to sleep, and grabbed a shower, it was time to relax with the Mrs. again in front of the tube. The bad part being once you stop going all weekend you realize how amazingly sore you are and almost pass out from all the exertion.

Bottom line is a great weekend no matter how hectic and any hectic weekend beats a weekend of WORK for sure!


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