Jun 18 2011

Reel Movie Review—> Green Lantern #moviereview #GreenLantern

Published by at 6:54 am under Green Lantern,Misc. Reviews,Movies

Green Lantern (2011- 105 mins) Ryan Reynolds, Mark Strong, Blake Lively, PEter Sarsgaard

There have been very few times lately where I have gone to the movies and I was just giddy to see the movie. I have been wanting to see a ton of movies in the last few years but the only one’s that I have nearly lost sleep the night before I went were “Lord of the Rings” and  the first installment of the “Transformers” franchise. This was one of those occasions. Growing up I had been a HUGE lover of the Green Lantern and the Green Lantern Corps comics, so this both was one I couldn’t wait to see but also one that had some lofty expectations in my mind to fill. Sometimes movies like these deliver on exactly what you want (LOTR and 1st Transformers) and sometimes they are “ok” but not mind blowing (2nd Transformers). This was INDEED one of those times where the whole movie met my expectations and then some. I had a giddy kid grin on my face the whole time I was in the theater and still as I sit here thinking of the movie I am just amazed at the effects (especially the planet Oa) and acting (especially Reynolds and Strong) and cannot wait to hear the news of them starting to film part 2.

So for those living under a rock for the last 5 months and haven’t either seen the 1000 trailers on TV or haven’t been to this site enough to see most of them here is a bit of a spoiler free synopsis. The Green Lantern Corps is a group of intergalactic police officers charged with protecting the universe from all evil-doers. When a once overwhelming force of evil called Parallax is accidentally released back into the universe, no one is safe even the home of the Corps itself. Parallax takes it’s revenge on the Lantern who imprisoned him and fatally wounds him causing him before he dies to flee to the nearest system and find a proper owner for his ring of power. The ring itself searches for a proper wearer who is worthy of being a Green Lantern. It finds Hal Jordan, cocky, fearless fighter jet pilot to be crowned new Lantern.

It’s from here the movie goes on as it’s now his duty to take on Parallax and grow into the Lantern he needs to be. Basically it’s a origin comic book origin story. Every franchise has a movie like this and you gotta learn about how the hero comes to be and the back story of the powers etc. This is no different but it keeps you interested and invested in the story from all aspects. From Hal Jordan the person, to Hal Jordan as newest member of the Green Lantern Corps. The best effects and eye candy is when Jordan is on Oa doing his training and meeting other Lanterns. You simply are in awe looking at it all trying to take in all the visual spectacle that is the heroic planet.

All in all it’s a good movie. It never over steps it’s bounds to being overly confusing, and doesn’t over stay it’s welcome. It’s got that usual Ryan Reynolds charm to it as well. The little comedic quips and funny looks that just make you chuckle just a little bit. Good enough to make it funny but not enough to make it a farce of itself.  The supporting actors are all good in their roles but Mark Strong as the strong GL Corps General, Sinestro is strong, and very confident. He simply delivers an amazing performance that you will remember as much as you will remember Reynold’s emerald warrior himself.

Verdict–> See this movie now, then see it again later. It was AWESOME. You will get spine tingling goose-bumpy goodness every time you hear the epic oath on screen. It was great in 3-d and I cannot wait to get a chance to see it in IMAX when the local theater moves it over to the one screen they have. Just a fun summer blockbuster and families, fan boys, and casual fans will enjoy. It’s a comic book super hero movie so don’t go into this looking for some convoluted epic drama affair. It does what it does well and you will leave the movie with a smile. Family/ kid wise —> There are a couple of curses, a middle finger and depending on your kids age, Parallax might be a little scary but not overly so. I think any school age kid whom can handle a few curses can see it no problem.

Stay for the end credits as there is a small scene a couple of mins into it but nothing after the credits.

I cannot wait for Green Lantern 2 so we can get a ton of more action and fighting and more glimpses of the Corps. It’s always more of an actiony affair when you don’t have to deal with going full into an origin story.


Again say it with me….

In the brightest day, in the blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power GREEN LANTERN’S LIGHT!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Reel Movie Review—> Green Lantern #moviereview #GreenLantern”

  1. Tom Pon 18 Jun 2011 at 1:37 pm

    Glad you liked it and that it lived up to your expectations. Will be seeing it today or tomorrow.


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