Jul 08 2011

Red Box Review– Barney’s Version #redbox #moviereview

Published by at 12:35 pm under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Barney’s Version (2010– 134 mins) P. Giamatti, R. Pike, D. Hoffman

Barney is one of those typical Paul Giamatti characters. He’s impulsive, he smokes and drinks a lot, and he loud. We first meet Barney in his 60’s and he seems utterly annoyed with himself and his life currently and suddenly we are thrown into a series of flashbacks and forwards to tell his tale. Initially it can be a bit confusing as we get a TON of way back story (leading to the over 2 hour run time), but as the whole tale unfolds his life seems to make more and more sense to us and seemly to himself and those around him. It takes his whole life to be understood fully as well. He’s not just a gruff old coot but one who enjoys many things in life. From beautiful women, to beautiful art to a beautiful hockey game. To the casual onlooker Barney could be just that crass jack-ass that he comes off as.

There is one major metaphor for Barney which director Richard J. Lewis (mostly known for TV directing) gives us a few times, sort of as a nudge nudge wink wink and I caught it and loved it as well. Barney is seen a few times cutting onions in his kitchen. When told by his wife to put them in his freezer for a few mins to avoid the crying effect, we later see that he does not listen. First we have the onion representing Barney. The nasty on the outside but full of intricate layers person on the inside. And then we have his unwillingness to put himself in the freezer to tone himself down. See, toning himself down is like keeping yourself from living life to the fullest, and that’s not something Barney is willing to do to himself for anyone. It bites him in the butt at times but ultimately everyone learns Barney is an onion just trying to be happy and live his life.

Everyone else in here does a good job. However by the design of the movi,e everyone other then his wife (Macha Grenon) are merely side characters meant to come and go in minor parts of the large picture. Even the fact that the majority of the cast is not given full names is in the effect that they are all pieces to his puzzle, part of “Barney’s Version” of his life. A good movie and good story wrapped up in a tad to large of a ball but enjoyable to the last none the less.

Verdict–> The movie is good, there is no doubt about that. However, like some long on running time dramas, it’s just not for everyone. To thoroughly enjoy this movie you have to enjoy Giamtti’s works, enjoy life long story driven dramas, and most importantly you have to know  you are in for a movie that’s over 2 hours long. If you fit those criteria then go for it. I liked it and I hope you will too. Definitely worth the rental at the box tonight.

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