Aug 18 2011

Red Box Review Cougars Inc. #Redbox #moviereview

Published by at 7:29 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Cougars Inc. (2011–81 mins) K. Gallner, J. Belushi, K. Morris, D. Richards

Yep, you read that right. Not only is there a B-Movie named “Cougars Inc.” but I did grab it from the Red Box and I actually did laugh at it and think it wasn’t half bad either. Granted, it’s not great and it goes against my cardinal sin of movie releases… ALL (non-child) MOVIES MUST BE 90 MINUTES!!!!. But don’t look at this as a feature film, look at it more as a movie that should be a cinemax or showtime late night movie. No it’s not soft core porn or anything but it is a good throwback to the T and A movies of the 80’s and 90’s.

Sam (Gallner) is a misfit high school kid who has been in and out of schools b/c of one reason or another but now finds himself in yet another boarding school being run by headmaster Fox (Belushi). A cool guy himself, Fox, gives Sam a chance and takes him under his wing. Yet, when his mother flakes out as usual, Sam has to figure out a way to pay for his schooling. After he picks up an older woman and she “tips” him, he gets the bright idea that he (and his friends) can provide services/partying for a certain cougar crowd. Sure, it’s a funky premise and yes I know “cougars” are all the rage but it’s kinda smart and funny. I liken it to a combo of “Juno” and “Napoleon Dynamite” writing and a few hot chicks thrown in. I am not sure when the extremely pale yet strangely hot as hell Kathryn Morris became a cougar, but it’s no doubt that Denise Richards has tried to embrace the label these days. They both embrace the unconventional roles and just roll with it with some nice gusto. Belushi also seems to be right at home in the slap sticky part to which he started his career and should get back into. He’s much better then that mediocre sit-com he was in for those years and I think I liked him the most in the whole cast.

Verdict–> It’s not going to win any awards or get much play on basic cable but I can’t but laugh when I think about most of the movie. It’s a pizza and beer guys movie so I wouldn’t advise it for a date unless it’s with your wife and she’s got a decent sense of humor about her movies. I liked it tho well enough and it was well worth the 1$ I paid for it. Grab some beers, grab some buddies and laugh a bit. What’s the worst that can happen? You laugh a bit and only are out 1$ and 81 mins!

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