Aug 18 2011

Red Box Review The Eagle #redbox #MOVIEREVIEW

Published by at 8:01 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

The Eagle (2011–114 mins) C. Tatum, J. Bell

“The Eagle” centers on a former Centurion, Marcus Aquila (Tatum)  from the Roman army and his search for the truth about a regiment of 5000 Roman soldiers who vanished into thin air. The soldiers were lead by his father, and the vanishing of so many under his lead has left Marcus’ family with a dishonorable name. His only companion is a slave rescued by Marcus from his death, Esca (Bell). To find the truth he will have to pass some personal tests and learn a lot about both himself, the Roman army and what freedom really means.

The movie is shown to us in previews as a bit of a normal Medieval romp, but it’s more of a character driven story then war-action film. Sure, as you would expect there is some action/fighting/adventure to it but there is more under the surface of the story. I really liked how the movie showed the changing of power in the duo’s relationship and how each dealt with the co-dependance of each other. It’s a good movie that’s only fault, in my mind, is the unnecessary bloating to the time with some story points that don’t help the story enough and yet bring it closer and closer to a 2 hour running time. Usually, a war/adventure epic like this will have enough stories and twists and turns to need a 2 hour run time, but this isn’t one of them. You only really have one underlying linear story and they spend too much time setting it up. The whole first act of showing that Marcus is a brilliant soldier and wounded/rewarded just takes entirely too much time to get on it’s feet. By the time they even introduce us to Ecsa the movie should be well into it’s stride, whereas here it’s barely even beginning to get us into the whole story.

Tatum and Bell do a great job of playing their own roles. Separated by class, thinking and views they portray the picture of opposites even down to the body types and body language. Great jobs and great job picking them out for their roles.

Verdict–> I enjoyed the film for the 1st viewing but I doubt I would sit through it again or bring it up for a watch with the wife. It’s just a bit too drawn out and long to enjoy in a date atmosphere, and I don’t think Mrs Geekjock would like it much. However, I think those people who like films from this period, or want to see a character drama and have the time then go for it. Again, don’t get me wrong I did enjoy the movie it’s just not one I would look to buy or bring into a double feature or date night. A mid level recommendation for sure, when you have watched all the headliners in the box and looking for a good movie to watch (and the time to watch it– one movie night).

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