Jan 20 2012

Red Box Honorable Mentions from 2011 and some little known GEMS from the year #redbox #moviereviews

Published by at 12:00 pm under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Last week I posted the top and bottom lists of my viewing of Red Box movies in 2011. Today I want to hit on a few of the honorable mentions from last year. These are movies that are real good to watch but for whatever reason I felt they were just not top 10. However, the more I think about them 2 of them SHOULD have been on my top ten, and one possibly should have been in the top 5 but for some reason it just slipped my mind. Oh well we all make mistakes, some of us bloggers more then others!

I am also going to throw out a list of 4 movies that most people might not have either heard of or even seen. But to me, you should REALLY see all of these. One of them even has SUBTITLES! and that is a no-no in the GeekJock viewing rules. I generally view reading during the WHOLE movie as work,it takes away from my viewing enjoyment (I like to look at details in the scenery/movie and you just can’t if you are reading) and it drives me insane. So I will stop with the run-on sentences and get to more lists!


1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part2— Gotta admit I am a complete moron for leaving this off the top 11 list. This is easily top 5 if not one or two from last year and I goofed on it. I think it’s b/c I bought the blu-ray and therefore never actually reviewed it and it slipped my mind. But it IS at the Red Box and it was easily one of the best movies of the year. Sorry Harry, can you forgive a Muggle?

2. Super 8— Well, I waiver on this one quite a bit. Yes, it IS a good movie. Yes it IS the Goonies of the current generation. Yet, there is still something about it that keeps me from LOVING it. I can’t quite put my finger on it but it’s just lacking something that would put it in the top tier. Don’t get me wrong, good movie, great family movie, but just not elite in my mind. None the less go rent it for a good night of movie watching!

3. Friends with benefits-– Just good (mostly) unclean fun. Mila Kunis might not be the best actress in the world, but she’s hot and quite funny, so she’s OK in my book. And sorry, I might hate his music but Timberlake is quite possibly in the top 5 funniest actors in Hollywood right now.

4. Thor — Not the best movie of the year but still a TON better then expected. A little short on the action and plot, but just a fun decently funny movie. Another commercial for the Avengers with the Hawkeye sighting and ending cliff hanger but still I kinda dug the movie.


Yep, that’s right I used ALL CAPS… and that’s kinda a no no. But I REALLY wanted to emphasize this. Go see these movies.

1. It’s kind of a funny story–> This rom-com-drama follows a kid who checks himself into a mental hospital to work his issues out. There he learns quite a bit about life and falls in love. Some actual good movie making and acting and the scene where they sing “Under Pressure” might be one of my favorite scenes of the year.

2. Wild Target— A funny little British comedy with Nighy, Blount, and Grint. Very subtle, a bit slapstick, but a lot to like about it.

3. Drive Angry— Don’t dismiss this Nic Cage movie as bad. Oh it kinda is but in all the right ways. Don’t take it too seriously, as he is after all a guy who broke out of hell to save a baby’s life, but it’s fast paced, a bit gory, a bit funny but all enjoyable cheese.

4. Troll Hunter— This one  you might have to find on Netflix or Amazon but it’s a real cool movie and a great watch. A  feaux documentary about a man who keeps the Troll population of Norway at bay and keeps them from the spotlight of the world. Sounds dumb until you are glued to your TV and for a few seconds you think you are really watching something that is true. Trust me on this one it’s a good flick.

So there you have it, some omissions by me and some recommendations for films you might never have wanted to try or have even heard of till today. Please let me know if you DO check these out and what you thought. If you want to send me your top or bottom lists of last year by all means please do! I might even post them up there as well! Just click the contact me link at the top or shoot me a wall post on my face-book page.


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