Aug 29 2010

Red Box Review– Death at a Funeral

Published by at 8:08 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Death At a Funeral (2010— 92 mins) C. Rock and a ton of others.

   Chris Rock’s latest movie is a slapstick comedy about a man who’s father has died and the craziness that occurs when a disfunctional family gets together for his funeral. There are all the crazy hi jinks that goes on in a movie of this type. You have the people who are too big for their britches coming back to show off who they have become (M. Lawrence) the family member who is afraid of revealing that she is engaged to a white man to her not approving father. Her said fiance’, played by James Marsden, is also tripping out on what they all thought was a Valium but it turns out to be much more. The crotchety old uncle (Danny Glover) who just doesn’t give a crap about anyone and is just pissed he has to be there. The mysterious dwarf attending who no one seems to know why (P. Dinklage, very good here as he always seems to succeed at comedy). And finally the various family members who seem to be just thrown into the movie to add more names to it (like T. Morgan and Luke Wilson).

Just like Cop Out, Funeral delivers a real funny watch and is well worth the time. It brings us on a revolving door of gags and stapstick but never really goes too far. The only thing in the movie they tend to come back to a ton of times is also the one thing that really steals the show. James Marsden is simply hilarious as the boyfriend who is tripping as if he is on LSD. He steals every scene he is in. Again I will nit pick a tiny bit. And again, one of the reasons is Tracy Morgan, as he has to get in his craziness but, at least here he’s not a central star int he movie so it’s toned down a bit. The other nit pick is the inclusion of some characters. It just feels like the movie is just including some characters for the sake of getting more names in it. (As much as I like Luke Wilson he just seems lost and useless in this movie). The thing about both of these movies (Funeral and Cop Out) is there is just not a whole lot to say b/c they are funny movies and good watches, but just not amazing or ground breaking and not a crazy amount of flaws either. Just decent movies.

Verdict—> A good movie and a good rental from the Red Box. It definitely doesn’t beat Cop Out but I would recomend you add this to your to watch list. Not for kids but not overly offensive either.

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