Aug 30 2010

Red Box Review— Repo Men

Published by at 7:47 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Repo Men (2010— 111Mins) Jude Law, Forrest Whitaker, L. Schreiber

   Repo Men is set in the far future of the world, where organ transplants have become so commonplace that the organs have now become artificial , financed and implanted by big business. When these organ loans are defaulted upon, the organs are repossessed by these “Repo Men” in the as-is condition. That means, they basically come in and cut them out of you leaving a dead body in the wake. It’s both an interesting sci-fi premise, and a political message wrapped up in a big package. Jude Law and Whittaker are a team of Repo Men who are very good at what they do. Since it’s a gruesome and not entirely happy business, this causes some strife at Law’s home and his wife doesn’t entirely approve. An unfortunate accident leaves Law in need of a heart transplant, and in big business that’s not a cheap ordeal. When his bills pile up and he is late on his payments he finds himself on the wrong end of the repo line and must flee the likes of his co-workers.

   It’s an interesting adventure thrill ride, with him fleeing and doing what he can to stay alive. He also has had a bit of a change of heart seeing how, what he has been doing is really just plain wrong. I thought it was a good movie and a decent watch. A bit gruesome at times, and for those of faint of heart and weak stomach, they might not like this too much. However, all others I think its a good watch. The end takes the usual twist so if you chop off about 5 mins of the movie it ends the right way. It’s still a good working ending for the premise, but hey I like things a certain way, but either way is fine. I cannot say like I do with other movies, that the movie sucks b/c of the ending tho.

   The underlying political or world message buried in the movie is that big business is taking over the world. That things such as, even transplants are being sold for anyone who can afford it, and the “company” has the final say. I don’t generally like when movies try and throw too much of a message out there, so that kind of annoyed me a bit.  Yet, the movie throws so much crap at you, that you can kinda put that behind and enjoy it anyway.  You also have to use the suspension of dis-belief that just about every person in the world has some sort of transplant in them. Is it b/c everyone is so unhealthy or they are readily available, or just b/c it’s a device to move the movie forward. Eh who knows just roll with it I guess.

Verdict—> An ok movie. Not a top tier rental but also (as usual) not a bad one at that. Again, if you have a queasy stomach or don’t like to see a ton of blood, steer away, but for others you might like the action in it as well. Gets a little lengthy toward the end so might need a shorter comedy for a good double feature.

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