Sep 30 2010

GeekJock’s views on the Fall premier week that was…AKA what I will be watching this year

Published by at 11:50 am under TV

So it’s another great time of the year. Kinda like the spring season is great for finale’s, the fall brings the re-birth which is the premier season. I won’t really go into all the shows, b/c quite frankly I didn’t watch THAT much TV this week. Another minor down point (TV-wise) from work is since I go in at 9pm, I don’t really get to watch much 8pm TV. Which kinda blows in a sense b/c there are some good shows on at eight that I would want to catch. Some which we DVR (like NCIS and now Big Bang Theory), and some new ones which I want to see but haven’t yet (like No Ordinary family). But I will DVR a good amount of shows this year and see what I can catch on my weeks off as well. 

Ok so here is some random thoughts on shows by Day of the week.

Monday. Of the shows I cannot watch but love on Monday’s are House and How I Met Your Mother. House, well b/c it’s just great, and HIMYM which has the king of funny Neil Patrick Harris, and the lovely Alyson Hannigan (who is tied for 1st on my “List” with the equally lovely Felicia Day).

Two and a Half Men. As usual they didn’t disappoint, cept maybe for Charlie Sheen’s hair which was a bit freeky and just looked odd. I am sure it will be the usual great season by them.  

Mike and Mollywas pretty good I have to say. Billy Gardill reminds me of Jackie Gleason from honeymooners when he has the cop hat on talking to his buddy doing the Art Carney part (Yes I know Cramden was a bus driver but he just kinda looked like it a bit). Melissa McCarthy brings a bunch of spunk and energy to the female lead and they seem to gel well together. Katey Mixon (Four Christmases) and Swoozie Kurtz as the best friend and mom respectively, were damn funny as well in the 1st episode I saw this week. I hope it can keep it fresh after all the self effacing fat jokes get old. 

The ten o’clock slot is a real killer decision. We normally watch Castle(with another king of funny Captain Hammer himself Nathan Fillion) which is a great show, but this week we went with Hawaii Five-O. I gotta say, O’loughlin and Caan did an awesome job of carrying the show and I think their rapport and the writing could be good enough to keep this show around. I really liked it, and it could find a DVR slot sometime soon.

Tuesday. Here we have another watching conundrum. The 8 o’clock time slot has No Ordinary Family, which I want to watch but it will never last if it has to go up against the # 1 drama on TV===> NCIS. NCIS is simply too good. It’s going to own this time slot for some time to come so other networks better get used to moving anything they want to keep around. So ABC listen up, move the family super hero show somewhere better so it can stay. I will have to catch it on demand or on line to see how it was (stay tuned for that review sooner or later). Before I go any further let me say, NAY let me SCREAM….. GLEE BLOWS… Ahh that feels better…

 At nine we went with the new Fox Comedies.

Raising Hope. I noticed by the posts on FB by my friends that it was gettnig mixed reviews, but I have to say Thumbs way up from the GeekJock. I thought Lucas Neff was excellent as the straight guy amongst a huge bunch of knuckleheads. I described it as Earl without the “list”, which is kinda funny b/c later I noticed it’s made by the same guy who made My Name is Earl, so I guess that’s by design. It’s got that same quick wit, constant humor that I really love. It’s gpt so many funny lines that sometimes you are still laughing at one thing and you miss the next joke b/c you are laughing at the last one.

Running Wilde. This one has Wil Arnett and Keri Russell. Seems good enough right? Wrong. I didn’t like it at all. Some funny things here and there but jst didn’t really grab me at all. The show has a decent enough premise to it but then you add in David Cross and it just makes you want to jump off a cliff waiting for the half hour to end. Sorry, this one is in need of a replacement and fast.

This brings us to the 10 slot. Well nothing is really jumping out at me so we went with Parenthood. Mainly b/c I love Lauren Graham and Dax Shepherd is always good as well. Besides being a little behind on the plot (Thanks to the old Lady in the Cube across the room for answering my Q’s to get me up to speed), I kinda enjoyed it. I like the stories and how they go together and that it’s not cheesy. Good mix of family drama and some funny quips. It’s Brothers and Sistersbut actually GOOD. (listen up ABC it’s time to put Bs & Ss out of it’s misery)

Wednesday. 8 O clock kinda blows. there really isn’t anything I want to see here. Special notice to CBS—> Survivor is SOOO DONE, please leave us alone with it.. Thanks! On to 9 O’clock.

Modern Family/Cougar Town–> Not much new here, these two are great. MF is the 2nd best comedy on TV right now (2nd only to Big Bang) and CT is just good enough to keep us laughing, and actually gets better the more episodes of it you watch. The real disappointment at 9 is that I won’t be watching Hell’s Kitchen b/c of these and I really wish Fox would move it to Sat or Fri, basically a night where crap else is on. But being that there is 10000 commercials during HK it might be a good one to give a DVR slot to.

The Whole Truth. The Rob Morrow Maura Tierney courtroom drama gets the nod over the Vegas lawyers of The Defeners (who just seem a bit annoying) and the new Law and Order. Mostly b/c we all know the L&O will end up on TNT so I will be able to catch that one on there, but also b/c The Whole Truthis the best one here. Morrow and Tierney have a great back and forth going and the cases so far (yes I know 2 weeks) have been good. I am not sure I like that they both have had a twist to the end, but on the other hand I would MUCH rather know if people are REALLY guilty or not, as opposed to us just getting the TV jury’s view of it (like in most L&O’s). It’s kinda cool to get  that closure to all episodes.

Thursday. CBS has kinda annoyed me b/c they moved Big Bang here. Not that Iwon’t watch b/c it’s the BEST SHOW ON TV, but b/c I will now only be able to watch it on DVR. (Again this is the dreaded 8 o’clock hour which means I am either doing the shower/drive to work thing, or the get the kids to bed thing in that hour) Mainly it also means I haven’t checked out the new show #$%@ my dad says either. Hopefully I can catch some re-runs on the weekend sometime so I can see if Shatner is worth a sit-com. In theory I love Communityb/c it’s funny as hell and b/c Joel McHale is awesome but I don’t get to watch it much (here’s hoping for syndication!). As for the king of the ratings 40 Rock, I have kinda boycotted it a bit. Without getting too political (which I swear I will try and NEVER do on my blog), politics is the main reason why I cannot watch the Tina Fey/NBC show. I loved it at first and it is funny but Fey/NBC just CONSTANTLY have to throw left-wing jokes into it. We get it Fey you don’t like Republicans but do we have to hear about it every Thursday? It’s bad enough that we have to wait 10 mins after SNL starts to ever see something funny but now your show too? Shame on you Fey and NBC. Get the politics out of the comedy show and maybe I’ll come back, but right now sorry just can’t do it.

Grey’s Anatomy. I originally watched amd loved the smash phenomenon b/c it reminded me of my 4th year of Pharmacy school. Picture these guys when they are in the hospital and asked questions on rounds, and throw in a few pharmacy students with them, and that’s how it was. (Minus all the sex of course) Just the back and forth and the anxiety over being right or wrong and the various personalities really helped to have the show hit home. THEN they went there and made Grey’s a soap opera sex and incest fest and it started to lose me. Don’t get me wrong, I know that was the whole idea, it’s a soap at night, but they went to the drama staples/tricks way too soon. The Torres/George wedding/ divorce just put it all over the edge and having to listen to the two whinny asses of Heigl and Knight in the press was a huge turn off as well. However, since I work with mostly women I have to watch this and Private Practiceon Thursdays. I had been on Ipod land on Thursdays until the end of last season when Grey’s actually started to get good again, and I was quite surprised to see that last week’s premiere was back to being good television again. I hope they can keep it up.

The Office.  Yes we all love this show at work, but because of the time slot we watch it more in syndication so we will have to wait till all the new seasons make it there. And yes, we are also bummed Carrell is leaving. Will it last? I hope so but will have to be good writing and a good boss to keep it good.

Private Practice. Dear God, where to I start. Well I guess I won’t. Cancel this show now. I know, move Grey’s to 10 and put No Ordinary Family on at 9 and I will be happy. K? Thanks

Friday. There isn’t a whole lot to say about Friday. I love the direction Smallville has been going lately. Getting more and more DC Comic heros and villains in it is AWESOME. So it’s going to be on the DVR or a certain watch when on DVD.

Blue Bloods. This was the only new show we watched on Friday. I thought it was good also. A decent dynamic of a family of Cops and a lawyer as well. Everyone does things a different way, everyone has secrets and I am sure they will all clash all season long. The jury is still out about the whole background constant theme of the whole secret society and the feds investigating it and trying to get the younger son involved too. It’s something that kinda borders on writing flaws and not being believable for what we as viewers will think the character would really do. So they will have to do some work to keep us happy with the plot I think.

Saturday Night Live. Poehler as the 1st host was awesome. I am a sucker for special guests (having Timberlake and the gov. of NY on was a huuge thumbs up!)  too so this week was fine with me. It was just as funny as always, but as usual the new cast members will have to grow on us over time. Oh and Katy Perry… HOT as hell but wow she sucked live. I am sure SNL will have another great year. BUT let me tell you hosts for 2 shows. As always # 1 on the list is Timberlake. The guy is flat out funny. And # 2 is Rhett and Link . It doesn’t get better then these guys with respect to comedy songs/sketches. They could be in the sketches and do the musical guest as well. Go to their site, or you tube and you will see.

Sunday. Sunday is another dead zone for me with TV when at work. Desperate Housewivesand Brothers and Sistersis always on our TV on sundays and they both SUCK. They really need to be cancelled b/c they are both just DONE. The show I am most looking forward to will be an On Demand show from HBO. Boardwalk Empire looks to be the next great HBO drama and I can’t wait to catch it in action this week while I am off. I hope I can watch the 1st one before the next one hits the airwaves on Sunday night.

So there you have it folks. This is my opinions on the new season of TV and a few shows I will have to comment on later to let you know what I thought. Since I am headed to the beach this weekend for a week I prolly won’t be posting for a bit so this novel of a post might need to last you till then!


GeekJock out.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “GeekJock’s views on the Fall premier week that was…AKA what I will be watching this year”

  1. The Old Lady in the cube across the roomon 10 Oct 2010 at 5:18 am

    Can I just say, the old lady in the cube across the room has been doing the remote driving the past three nights and I really could not tell you one thing we watched. Though I did find The Soup and Chelsea at 2am this morning since we managed to miss it Fri night while I was guest driver Wink You can have the remote back, way too much pressure for this old lady!!


  2. The Redheaded Pharmaciston 12 Oct 2010 at 1:02 am

    What? No love for Fringe? I guess this former X-Files freak fan is enjoying this show by himself. And I’ve found another show that mixes in a little government conspiracy storyline with good old aliens except that the aliens look just like humans but only age much slower. I’d love to share more but in the first couple of episodes that have aired I honestly don’t know what in the world is going on but all I can say is it might be worth your time to go check out The Event on NBC. Sure not everyone will be into the storylines behind shows like Fringe or The Event but they have too big pluses going for them: they aren’t shitty reality shows about some rich idiot we are all supposed to somehow care about and secondly neither of these shows have anything to do with lawyers. TRP recommends you at least give Fringe and The Event a chance.


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