Nov 10 2010

Few last things I am doing before cataclysm, and I got a Battered Hilt! #WOW

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So Cataclysm is a month away. I haven’t pre-ordered or anything but I am hoping that since I work the first few days of it, that if I go to a remote(ish) Target that morning at 830 (after work) that I might be able to score a collector’s edition. I am not really worried about not getting a copy I just really want to get a CE and I don’t think anyone has any more of those to pre-order. The most important thing to me, is what I am going to do before it hits. Yet, first what I have been doing last week and a story about the big drop of a Battered Hilt.

  Going into my last off week I had 4 level 80’s, who’s gear range from my DK and Hunter who have above avg to good gear (mostly T9-T10 or above) to the 2 80’s, Lock/Warrior  whom I am kinda in the middle of gearing (mix of heroic drops and T9). The toon that I had been working on a bit was my Paladin. He’s the 2nd character I ever made in the game (after the Hunter) and he has yet to hit 80. But he was 79 at the start of last week and was tanking LK regulars so getting to 80 was just a matter of time.  Once I hit 80 it was time to get some gear. One thing I have enjoyed since the new patch came out is the retribution spec. It isn’t what I have been used to but since there is no way I could go into tanking heroics in my gear I was going to have to DPS those heroics. So good thing I liked ret. b/c I am going to be stuck with it for a while. The Good news is that since the patch dropped and a ton of people are back to try it out, and they are all overgeared, so being carried in a few heroics for gear isn’t that big of a deal. What I normally like to do is start by queing for ToC (reg and heroic) and FoS  (reg andheroic). They are both quick and both drop good enough gear.

   So in about the 5th of these runs a Battered Hilt dropped,and lo and behold I rolled a 90+ and it was mine! This was a kick ass feeling since I generally don’t ever win any loot rolls. So the decision needed to be made. Sell it, keep it on pali, or send it to another toon. Well it’s only fetching in the neighborhood of 4-5k on my realm right now so it wasn’t entirely worth it. And since the quest is supposed to be fun I figured I would try it out. Well the Pali andWarrior are both not going to be completely geared up in tier 10 by Cataclysm I figured the best bet is the toonI will be playing a ton, my Death Knight. More on the quest after some talk on the DK.

   Ok so what else have I been doing? Well, in game right now I only have a handful of friends I regularly talk to and/or run with. One is my Cousin whom is coming back to WoW after a bit of a break and is not only not 80, but he is trying to get his fiance’s toonsleveled up to the 70-80 range. The other group is a group of 3 people whom I have been playing with for a few years. They are all amazingly great players and I thoroughly enjoy playng with them. We all help each other andbasically do whatever someone comes up with on any given night. Well a certain 8k+ dps Fury Warrior who has a mount collecting habit figured she needed to get the drake which comes from the Glory of the Hero achievement.  It’s been a real fun time doing those that the 4 of us have left over. No one had more then about 10 to do and now we are all basically down to 5-6 achievements left. The very cool thing of it is we have been 4 manning all of the heroic dungeons to get these done. What we have is my DK as the Tank, said Fury Warrior, a Gnome Mage who puts out as much if not more DPS then the warrior and a Priest who can heal his ass off blindfolded. So it all works out perfect. So what I have left is this. 2 Easy achievs, Share the Love andAbuse the ooze, both of which will be easy to do in one night of runs. Next up is Zombiefest!, which is also easy to get in one night but just a bit of a pain in the ass to do but I think won’t be too much of a problem for us. The next two groups are the harder ones. First are 2 Oculusdrake ones, one for doing it withno tank drake one withno healing drake. Only problem really with those is that we will have to grab a 5th player. Hopefully we can grab a guildieof one of theirs or else we are stuck with trying to get a competent random 5th player from the random dungeon finder.  The last one which is only for me has been a royal pain in my ass for nearly 2 weeks now. Dehydration. Sure it’s not hard at all, but the hard  part is getting the boss to actually spawn in Violet Hold. I have been in there 10 times since we started trying for the achievement, and I have not seen Ichoron one time. So now I just have to hope in the next 30 days I will be lucky enough to get him to spawn one time. Odds are that I will but stranger things have happened I guess.  I will keep you guys posted on when we finally do get our Drakes and with any luck I will put up a few screen shots of it as well.

  So while all of this was going on my DK also had started the Quest for Quel’Delar. Most people who were lucky to have done this quest will be bored of this next retelling but for those who haven’t let me fancy youwith the tale. The quest is full of fun in game lore and anyone who likes that sort of thing will love this quest. I myself, am not a huge fan of all things lore. Don’t get me wrong I do love the game and love the story but I just can’t bring myself to read every single quest text out there. If it’s a good quest line and a dungeon quest I will generally read it tho, so this one was enjoyable to me. First few parts of it have you flying from here to there letting people look at the hilt and giving you some back story of it all. You go to the ring in icecrown a bunch of times for the next piece of the quest and to hear some more musing. Once the 1st few fetch type quests are over it’s actually time to do some killing and you are tasked to go into the Pit of Saron. There you will pick up some infused saronitebars which are on the ground arounddifferent areas of the dungeon, around the areas of the slave miners. You pick up enough of them and then you will need to kill the 1st boss and get the Forgemaster’s hammer.  Pick it up and when youhave both you will then be able to forge the sword. (It’s either clicking on the quest item once you are next to the anvil or click on the anvil itself, I cannot remember). Once you have done that go back to the quest giver and then it’s time to head to the Forge to temper the sword. 

   You next head to the Forge of Souls and fight your way to the end and kill the good old Overseer of Souls. Behind him is the big thing that kinda looks like a large glowing goblet. Click on the quest item while nextto it and you will have the sword tempered and ready to head to the hardest part of the quest, and possibly the funnest as well.

   You will next head to the Halls Of Reflection. No, you won’t have to kill the waves upon waves of ghosts and get thru that whole dungeon, but you will have a cool little event at the beginning of the dungeon. Once there you will see Uther the Lightbringer who will have a small convo with you about wanting to wield such a piece of power. From there you will next have to fight the sword itself. I am fairly certain youwill e able to fight this witha five man group. It’s only an 80 elite so if yo fight it with a 5 man you will mow it down fairly easy. But for the most fun out of it I recommend you try at least once to solo it. Hopefully you are well geared enough to do it. I think you might just need a healer and it will be a bit easier on you, b/c it hits pretty hard especially when it does the whirl windmove. I ended up doing this fight solo with only my Mage buddy watching. He was hesitant to help out b/c he didntwant to glitch the encounter. The good thing about DK Blood tanking is the amount of self healing, so this was a decent lengthfight with some kiting involved.  It’s one of those fights in the game that while it’s going on it’s a lot of fun but when you are done it’s just an epic feeling. It’s better when you work hard for something and succeed.

   After you turn in that quest you have this sword but you must now go to the Sunwell to cleanse the sword of the evil inside. You will be in a different phase of the SW so from here on out until you turn it in at the end you are on your own. It’s ok you won’t need any help but it’s still a cool few more parts of the quest. It’s a shame you cannot bring anyone else to the SW plateau portion b/c some of the drama and scenery that unfolds is kinda cool. You will have to leave the area and head to the outside of the zone and be tasked to find  Thalorienn Dawnseeker’s remains to get his blessing to have the evil removed and be able to wield such a fine weapon. Once youfind his remains you will have to fight alongside him in 3 or 4 fights. They are not terribly hard but still the act of them all is kinda fun. Once you are done that’s basically about it, and it’s time to turn in quests and head back to the last person and pick out which form of Quel’delar you want to have.  I loved this quest and am glad I did it on the DK tank. I really hope I won’t have to replace it after about 10 minsof Cataclysm with a green quest reward but I am fairly certain I will. Either way I am sure Ill keep it in the bank for the fun of having it.

So now it’s off to finally finish off these last 6 quests and get my DRAKE!

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