Nov 16 2010

Halo Reach : First impressions #Halo

Published by at 9:11 pm under Games,XBox

So I broke down and decided to buy Halo:Reach today (As opposed to renting it from the Red Box as I previously thought I would give it a try $2 for almost 2 full days of playing is a good deal to me). Mainly I wanted to buy it b/c I figured that buying it would let me take part in the multi-player aspect of it more, and I had enough gift cards and reward cash at BB that I figured less then a dollar out of my pocket is a good deal to me!

So I got it home and threw it in the olde 360 right away. The opening of course was amazing to look at. The level of detal and polish these games put in the opening sequences these days are awesome and make the whole experience that much better. I was then asked to create my “master chief like” character. Which seemed cool at 1st until I realize some of the customizations cost their in game “credits”. So I kinda just went for the standard for now and just changed my colors and logo for starters. I figure as I play more, later I will come back and customize a bit. I also went right into the solo campaign first. I played it for roughly 2 hours and naturally it was awesome. I loved the game play, the story is cool, seeing your character in the colors you made is very cool. They even had a gimme in-achievement in the game to start with. It has the usual Xbox achieves but it also has it’s own halo achievements which I am guessing reward you with some of those in game credits. They seem like mostly PVP/multiplayer centric achieves cept for the 1 beginner opening one they give you, so I will have to see if and how many others I get to. Either way the game play is sweet so far. They give you a bit of a party to play with at times as well. Sometimes it’s story driven with one of the main team, and others it’s just tag a guy or two and they will come with you. I only got annoyed with the story one once, b/c it ran back to a random check point to do nothing which annoyed me b/c I thought I was supposed to be there as well, but I found later that if you just go on playing, when you get to a point that they need to be with you ZAP they will just appear there somewhere. That’s actually fine with me, the alternative being trying to back track and find some idiot NPC and have them follow you home and hope for no pathing issues on the way as well. I consider myself a decent gamer in FPS games but no expert by any means, so sure I have died a few times already in the 1st 2 hours. Not a frustrating amount which is good. I am looking forward to getting back in there later this evening for some covenant killing, and preying dear God please don’t have any of the infected or zombie whatevers from the 1st couple of games. I might shoot myself if they appear.
As for online play, I am kinda looking forward to this. However, I am not looking forward to getting beat down by a throng of 12 year olds who are ALL 1000x better at these games, or know all the tricks they tend to have. At heart I enjoy playing cooperative style in campaigns, but when you get full scale 12-12 or more type battles, I can get used to the play and really fall in love with it. Hopefully it has matchmaking and good multiplayer content to keep me happy as a relative noob to multiplayer. I have a feeling it will because for months, all they did with the game was beta test and get feedback with the multi player. Seeing as there is no way I am the only one of my kind of gamer, I think I am going to be happy. I will update this post or have 2nd impressions soon! Keep your eyes on the GJ!
And if anyone wants to add me as friends on XBOX live my handle is CanesRx

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