Dec 28 2010

The 10 Worst GeekJock RedBox Reviews of 2010 #bottomten

Published by at 11:04 am under Movies,Red Box Reviews

Ah end of year time. Time for leftovers from Christmas, throwing out ten tons of wrapping paper, and thinking of the best and the worst of the year that was. Today we get the bottom 10 movies that I reviewed this year. However, this list comes with a few notes. First I have only reviewed 60 movies this year so there is less of a sample size. Second I typically get movies from the Red Box on my work weekend so sometimes the pickings are slim being the weekend and the whole world is out getting movies. Since it seems that some of the better titles, for whatever reason, seem to not be in there as long I am sure there are STILL movies that I wanted to see this year that I just have not. Lastly, I tend to find at least something redeeming about most movies I see so it tends to be hard for me to put a movie down completely. There is always SOMEONE who will like a movie no matter how bad. A movie has to truely suck for me to say so.  So remember this is only a list from movies I have reviewed this year and not a comprehensive list from every movie released. Without any furthur delay here is the BOTTOM TEN Red Box Reviews of ’10. (some spoilers below as well)

10. Youth in Revolt– This Michael Cera flick isn’t so much bad as it is underwhelming.

With him in it I expected so much more and it was just a bit too slow at times as well.

Good thing he has a movie on my TOP TEN as well… stay tuned!

9. The Ghost Writer– This movie also makes the list for being a bit of a bore-fest even for a political flick.

8. Shutter Island— Now we are starting to get a bit controversial. One would think DiCaprio+Scorsese+Kingley= Good. Well it doesn’t.Throw in Marty and the gang trying to be a bit too twist-ish with the plot and you have quite the disappointment.

7. The Kids Are All Right– Take out the sex scenes and all you have is a Lifetime movie of the week.

6. Harry Brown–Again not so much bad, it’s that it’s a disappointment. Michael Caine as a bad ass, yes please. Poorly done and slow, no thanks.

5. Splice– You had me interested all the way up till the creature/Dren starts having sex with every major character. Not sure the movie really needed to go there. A good start turns into twist after twist to campy dumb ending.

4. Remember Me– HEY speaking of DUMB ENDINGS! We get a good character piece about two college kids figuring out how to get along with their respective Dad’s and make everything work, and BAM, you throw in 9/11 for the ending. Piss poor and gimmicky. Take away the awful ending and you have a movie which would be off this list and actually recomendable.

3. Sex and the City 2— Now we start to get to the bad stuff. Snozzefest which is just 5 episodes which should have been on HBO and combine them into a movie. Feels like a take on the Brady’s go to Hawaii, just insert the girls from SATC, and the Middle East. YUK

2. MacGruber– Oh MAcGruber and your likable cast. Oh how I wanted to like you, I really did. But the jokes and dialogue (while funny—at times)were too forced,all to raunchy, and  were just plain BAAAADDDD.

1. Operation Endgame– It’s not too often I tell everyone who will listen to stay the hell away from a movie that is not even worth 1$, but this was just plain God awful. It even has a cast that at first glance has a ton of potential. I can find good things to say about most any movie but I don’t think I can find anything about this pile of crap.


So there you have it. The bottom 10 Red Box Reviews of ’10. Coming up soon will be the Top 10 movies I reviewed this year. I hope you enjoy both lists


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